Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

29 januari 2011

it's a saturday-night and on this night usually people walk w/ her boy lfriend or his girlfriend. and it's not!it's not! for me-_-i think it's sad-night (malam yang sedih) why i call it sad-night ? cause i don't have boyfriend now,it's my desire on this time. i just wanna stay on my book at my room -_- like a bookwor haha hell yeah, and i do that just for make my parents proud on my nem of uan, it's mean i love my parent's than i love my self. hmm, yaaa until this time i haven't make my parent's proud of me,sorry mom dad :(
hm terlepas dari itu i wanna tell about people. who i still love him until now-_-i don't know,why hard to forget him?sometimes i try to do but, i can't.i hope i can back 5 month ago :( on august, but,it's like my fantasy. hmmm aaa, okay i try to move on now :') udah ah ngga usah ngomong ngmgin itu lg just stay to forget it :)
aaaaa ngga kerasa ya tomorrow it;s my exam/tes (TPM) (again!) padahal baru juga kemarin.uuuh! did you know?i'm lazy person :D it's my my bad character whenever i feel that . that's character so diffucult for get out on my life..haha my parent's  very-very-very hate! :P tapi ya mau gimana lagi cobaaa.
today was a good date :( aaa i remember again :( forget nis! i believe you can!!! go nisa go nisa go!!!
hm udah makin malem aja nih hoam ngantuk besok lanjut lagi yaaa :) bye :*

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